Thursday, 23 January 2025

8) Ministry of Jihad & Agriculture:

8.1) Iranian Fisheries Company (IFC):

• Masterplan studies & Basic Designs for Kilka-Fishing along the Caspian Sea.

• Masterplan studies & Basic Designs for the Network of Fishing Ports along the Caspian Sea.

• Study, Masterplan Preparation, Design and Construction Supervision of all facilities for the Amirabad Industrial Fishing Port, located near Sari City in the Mazandaran Province (This is the main fishing port of Iran by the Caspian Sea).

• Study, Masterplan Preparation & Design of all facilities of the Talesh Industrial Fishing Port, for the site located at the Talesh City in the Gilan Province. Facilities include all breakwaters, piers, dredged basin, all standard utility and fishing port buildings.

• Study, Masterplan Preparation & Design of all facilities of the Roudsar Industrial Fishing Port, for the site located at the Roudsar City in the Gilan Province. Facilities include all breakwaters, piers, dredged basin, all standard utilities and fishing port buildings.

• Study, Masterplan Preparation, Design & Construction Supervision of all facilities of the Tang Fishing Port, located at Tang Creek, beside Chabahar & Pozm Bays, in the Sistan-Baluchestan Province. Facilities include piers, dredged basin, and all standard utilities (suitable for small to medium sized fishing launches and small boats). A specialized coastal engineering compendium was prepared prior to finalizing the dredging detailed design drawings, as the rare inlet migration phenomenon once every about eight years has been exhibited at this macro-tidal inlet, influenced both by the tidal currents inside the inlet as well as the wave climate outside.

• Study, Masterplan Preparation, Design & Construction Supervision of all facilities of the Azini Fishing Port, located at Azini Creek, nearby the Minab City, in the Hormozgan Province. Facilities include piers, dredged basin, and all standard utilities (suitable for small to medium sized fishing launches and small boats).

8.2) Jihad Deputy for Civil Works:

• River Hydrological Study & modeling, Basic & Detailed Designs, Estimation and Tender Documents preparations for the Helsam large-span bridge in the Ilam Province.

• River Hydrological Study & modeling, Basic & Detailed Designs, Estimation and Tender Documents preparations for the Gharangu large-span bridge, over the Gharangu-Chay River, in the Eastern Azarbayejan Province.

• River Hydrological Study & modeling, Basic & Detailed Designs, Estimation and Tender Documents preparations for the Kani-Gozale large-span bridge in the Western Azarbayejan Province.

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